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A Tokyo Romance
Ian Buruma's unflinching account of his journey into the heart of Tokyo's underground culture as a young man in the 1970s.

When Ian Buruma arrived in Tokyo as a young film student in 1975, he found a feverish and surreal metropolis in the midst of an economic boom, where everything seemed new and history only remained in fragments.

Through his adventures in the world of avant-garde theatre, his encounters with carnival acts, fashion photographers and moments on-set with Akira Kurosawa, Buruma came of age. For an outsider, unattached to the cultural burdens placed on the Japanese, this was a place to be truly free.

A Tokyo Romance is a portrait of a young artist and the fantastical city that shaped him, and a timeless story about the desire to transgress boundaries: cultural, artistic and sexual.

A Tokyo Romance

19,50 €Prijs
  • Details

    A memoir

    Auteur: Ian Buruma

    Uitgever: Atlantic Books

    ISBN: 9781782397991

    Taal: Engels

    Bindwijze: Hardcover met stofomslag

    Verschijningsdatum: 2018

    Aantal pagina's: 243

  • Beschrijving exemplaar

    In perfecte staat

'Het zou mooi zijn boeken te kopen als we de tijd om ze te lezen erbij konden kopen, maar meestal verwart men het kopen van boeken met het toe-eigenen van de inhoud ervan.'

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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